Entries by emanuel

Milan, October 12, 2018

This year´s last meeting took place in wonderful Milan. It was very well organized by our Italian ULN-partners Gaetano and Gianluca Sardo. After a short get together we had our conference at the Bianca Maria Palace Hotel, where Prof. Avv. Fabio Ziccardi, formerly Professor of Comparative Law, held a lecture about “Evidences and expert testimony […]

Helsinki, May 26, 2018

The spring meeting of 2018 took place in the beautiful city of Helsinki, where it was organized by our Finnish ULN-partner Gerrit van Setten. The weekend began with a trip by ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki. On board we were listening to an interesting lecture about „Structuring cross-border acquisitions and investments in Finland“ held by […]

Prague, October 7, 2017

Our last meeting of the year took place in the wonderful city of Prague. It was very well planned by our czech ULN-partner Eva Krajova. Due to international guests from all fields of law we could gain a lot of new and useful information during discussions and presentations. The weekend started with a workshop about […]

ULN member, attorney-at-law Gerrit van Setten nominated Finland representative of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce Finland-Switzerland

From left to right: Felice Romano, Ambassador Heinrich Maurer, Dr. Jani Kaarlejärvi and Gerrit van Setten ULN member Gerrit van Setten, attorney-at-law in Finland, has been nominated the Representative in Finland of the Zurich based Chamber of Commerce Finland-Switzerland (www.handelskammer-fin.ch). The nomination has been announced on June 14, 2017 at the occasion of a joint […]